Instagram Highlight


'This Elijah Wood look-a-like is all hunk, no hobbit. He probably weekends in the Berkshires with his golden retriever, hiking and chopping wood with those big hands. He could trek to Middle Earth and I'd still follow. #illtakethatring'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

'Check out this Brooklyn-bound-boss' material. Maybe he's an aspiring actor/writer/producer/director/nudist looking for tips. Doesn't matter I love a man getting in touch with his feminine side. When will he get in touch with mine? Just kidding. #notthatkindofgirl'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

'Ahoy handsome! Just caught a glimpse of his elusive beauty reading Moby Dick in the crowded waters of the L train. There may be other fish in the sea, but this white whale has me hooked. #reelmein'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

'Dapper Dude Alert! Damn. Whatever prose he's reading cannot match the beauty of that full beard. He's like the hot English Professor of my dreams, only with way better hair. #voluntarydetention'


'Tall, dark and handsome with a thick beard AND a This man must be straight out of the fiction section because he's too good to be true. If only he was patiently waiting for me instead of the E train. #YouKnowWhatTheySayAboutThickBooks'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

'Sigh. This Clark Kent look-alike seems to just flown in from Krypton to spend some QT on the F train with us mere mortals. I may have to pretend to faint so he'll catch me but i'm going to let him finish the last few pages of 100 Years of Solitude first. #superman'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

'Spotted this scruffy prince on his morning commute. Probably to sculpture class. I'm sure he's reading a collection of post-war Russian short stories, but really thinking of how he made love to his French girlfriend this morning and the gluten free toast they shared after. #marryme'

© Instagram/hotdudesreading

Hot Dudes Reading

Hotdudesreading seems to be the new sensation among the countless number of Instagram Accounts. Something we just had to share! The idea behind these pictures is simple: Handsome men are secretly photographed while reading on the subway and the result is captured with a witty caption. A recipe for success. How could anybody not love this! 

Hotdudesreading scheint die neueste Sensation unter den unzähligen Instagram Accounts zu sein.
Die Idee, die hinter den Bildern dieses Accounts steckt, ist im Grunde simpel: Gut aussehende, in Bücher vertiefte Männer werden heimlich fotografiert und das Resultat mit einer originellen Bildunterschrift versehen. Ein wahres Erfolgsrezept!

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