( Max&Co Dress, Max&Co Clutch, Cos Necklace, Zara Heels, Sabrina Dehoff Ring, Vintage Bracelett)
Golden Glow
Es ist diese Zeit im Jahr, in der Wien besonders schön ist. Dieser zauberhaft herbstliche Schleier legt sich über die ganze Stadt. Wenn es scheint als hätten sich die Blätter im Laufe einer Nacht verfärbt und die Sonnenstrahlen den Körper in dieser herbstlichen Kälte noch immer bis aufs Innerste wärmen, gibt es wohl kaum etwas wohltuenderes als einen Spaziergang durch diese wunderbar verträumten Gassen und Parks Wiens.
It is this time of the year, when Vienna is especially beautiful. This magical autumnal veil lays itself upon the whole city. When it seems as if the leaves had changed in the span of a night and there is this shaft of sunlight, which still warms the body deeply in this autumnal cold, there is probably nothing more fulfilling than a good walk through those dreamful streets and parks of Vienna.
It is this time of the year, when Vienna is especially beautiful. This magical autumnal veil lays itself upon the whole city. When it seems as if the leaves had changed in the span of a night and there is this shaft of sunlight, which still warms the body deeply in this autumnal cold, there is probably nothing more fulfilling than a good walk through those dreamful streets and parks of Vienna.
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